Our Mission


As an expres­sion of Christ’s love, we serve indi­vid­u­als and their care­givers with com­pas­sion and respect for inde­pen­dence, well­ness, and spir­i­tu­al life.

Fundrais­ing Cam­paign — Transportation!

Studies show participating in community events and getting out and about contributes to the wellbeing and quality of life. This is especially crucial for the people we serve.

Our fleet of vans and buses requires consistent maintenance and occasional replacement to make that happen. In 2024, the approximate cost of a new bus with wheelchair lift is $130,000! We need your help to raise funds for a new transport bus for our Pine Valley and Pine Valley Assisted Living campuses!

2023 Annu­al Report


Luther­an Life Vil­lages is built on our mis­sion to serve as an expres­sion of Christ’s love. By con­tin­u­ing to lean on our val­ues of Lead­er­ship, Impact, Friend­ship and Excel­lence and our vision to be an employ­er of choice, a provider of choice and a thought leader in our com­mu­ni­ty, our orga­ni­za­tion has thrived in unprece­dent­ed circumstances.


With the sup­port of our com­mu­ni­ty, we are excit­ed to see #whatsnext in 2024.


Over 90 years serv­ing as an expres­sion of Christ’s love

As we move forward in 2024 and beyond, we need your support of our faith-based mission.

Please make a gift today!

Sub­mit your Board Mem­ber recommendation

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Name of the person recommended to be Board Member(Required)